On June 29th, we went to see Kaylee's neurologist for her 3 month check up. Overall, everything went well. Our neurologist was very impressed with Kaylee's progress. When we first arrived there, they measured and weighed her. She weighed 16lbs and 6 oz and only 3 percent on the growth chart. As far as her height, she was 27.6 inches and 25 % on the growth chart. She's a small little monkey but at least she's growing and gaining weight. Dr. Deline asked many questions pertaining to cognitive and physical developments. She was very surprised of all of her accomplishments. Dr. Deline did mention that she still was low tone but it's much better than being high tone because we can build her muscles up. She went over her labs and said everything looked good. Because it's been 4 1/2 months since Kaylee's last seizure, Dr. Deline wanted to start the weaning process on the Depakene for the next 2 months. She was mentioning that it's nerve racking during the weaning phase because you don't know it the seizure may come back. But also keeping her on Depakene can play havoc on Kaylee's little body causing so many side effects. Well luckily it's a slow wean and if we see anything that resembles a seizure then we can increase the dose and get another EEG done. I'm praying that Kaylee does well during the wean and remains seizure free. These anticonvulsant meds are some nasty stuff and can prevent her from moving forward in her developmental milestones. On the upside, Kaylee's EEG remains NORMAL....Praise GOD! We've been blessed again..God is so good! Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support. Please continue to keep Kaylee in your prayers to remain seizure free for good.
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